Master’s Degree

Day Time Room
18/10/2023 10:00 Aula Convegni
13/12/2023 10:00 Aula Convegni
22/02/2024 10:00 Aula Leonardo
23/05/2024 10:00 Aula Convegni
13/06/2024 10:00 Aula Convegni
11/07/2024 10:00 Aula Convegni
17/10/2024 10:00 Aula Leonardo
12/12/2024 10:00 Aula Convegni


  • Go to then Student SectionManage Career online, Access to the student section; insert your Student Identity Number and password; Application for Admission to the Degree Examination and read carefully THE INSTRUCTIONS. Important! This online procedure is available from 60 to 30 days before your Graduation Sessions.
    If you have already paid the Invoice (in a previous session), a zero amount Invoice will be created. You have to validate this new one with the date and the codes that you will find on the Invoice itself.
  • Print the  Formative Activities form.
  • On the DELPHI web site, fill the online Application for Admission to the Degree Examination form out: use the same information as on the Formative Activities form.
  • Print the Application for Admission to the Degree Examination form.
  • Go to AlmaLaurea website to fill the questionnaire out and then print the receipt.
  • Pay the invoice to graduate and validate the payment using the AUTH code.
  • Go to the Student Office website for detailed and updated information about the documents to take there:
    • Training Certificate/Educational Activities/Statement of Assignment of Thesis/Final Work signed by the Supervisor: take it to the Management Office too (Ufficio Didattica, Dr. Rosanna Gervasio);
    • Application for Admission to the Degree Examination form: you have to sign it before the employee of the Student Office, producing a valid identity document, and the title of the work can be temporary but once you have the final title you can print it again on the Delphi website;
    • A copy of your University Transcript of Records;
    • A copy of the Invoice payment validation given by the Bank;
    • A copy of you last Study Plan only if it is not a standard one.

For the average mark you can call Ms. Luana at 06 72597599, from 10 to 5 days before the Graduation Session.

In case of Graduation Session withdrawal you have to:

  • Cancel the Application for Admission to the Degree Examination form, go to the website and call the Student Office;
  • Fill a new Application for Admission to the Degree Examination out for the next session and take it again to the Student Office.
Before the Graduation Session, please fill the Student Evaluation Questionnaire out and take it to the Management Office (Segreteria Didattica, Dr. Rosanna Gervasio).

To get a Master’s Degree, students have to produce a thesis which is an independent work undertaken under the guidance of an academic supervisor and one or two co-supervisors, during the last semester.

Students are asked to defend their thesis in front of a Committee for about fifteen minutes. The Committee is composed of an odd number of membres, between seven and eleven, including the Coordinator of the Course of Study as the President of the Committee.

At the end of the presentations of all the candidates, the Committee gathers in a private session to complete the minutes and to assign the final grade considering both the Supervisors proposals and the students careers. The private session can be joined by external co-supervisors too, although they are not official members of the Committee.

The final grade (VLM) is the sum of the basic grade (M), the grade given by the Committee (F), the grade for the examinations with “summa cum laude” (L), the grade for the regular completion of the cycle of studies in two academic years, according to the following formula:

VLM = round(M * 110/30) + F + min (L + T, 4)

M is the weighted average grade multiplied by the numbers of credits for each examination. M* 110/30 value is rounded down to the nearest whole number. The Committee can award up to 7 points (F) for the quality of the thesis.
As for the points of the L parameter, the Commmittee considers the examinations passed with “summa cum laude”. Each 9 credits with “summa cum laude” will be awarded 1 point. For the regular completion of the cycle of studies in two academic years (T), the Committee can award 1 point.

When granting the maximum grade (110/110), the Committee may also grant honours (lode) by unanimous decision, with a final grade point average greater than 103/110, as shown in the formula:

M * 110/30 + min(V+L,4) >= 103

During the final ceremony, the Committee expresses its assessment with a grade out of one hundred and ten. The exam is deemed to be passed with a minimum grade of 66/110.

The final examination is the presentation and evaluation of a written dissertation, called thesis, written in Italian or in English on a novel, interesting and feasible topic which is chosen by the student and defended during the graduation session in front of the Committee.

As for the deadline of the Application to Graduate form and the University Transcript of Records delivery and for the availability of the lecture rooms, please read carefully the notices at the Management Office (Segreteria Didattica).