Faculty Library
If you are searching for a book, visit the Faculty Library website!
Faculty bar
As you get into the Didattica building, just on your left, you will find the Faculty bar where there is a daily canteen service for students.
Students Refectory
You can find it in Via Cambridge, 115 and it can be easily reached walking, from the Faculty of Engineering. Take with you:
1. Receipt of payment of tuition fees for the first year of your enrolment;
2. Income declaration: ISEE* for the year 2016 issued by the competent diplomatic or consular representative in Italy and legalized by the Prefettura;
3. Health Care Card or Codice Fiscale (the Italian Tax Identification Code) issued by the Agenzia delle Entrate of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance;
4. Valid identification document (ID card or Passport) and for non-EU students, also the Residence Permit (permesso di soggiorno) and/or a copy of its request for renewal.
*ISEE is an indicator which measures the economic status (income, assets, number and type of family members) of the families in Italy.
Diplomatic Network
If you are looking for an Embassy, a Consulate or a Cultural Institute, visit this useful website!
Many other facilities!
There are many other facilities for students and their families, just click here!
International Relations
As for cross cultural integration and exchanges, you will find a detailed list of interesting projects and courses developed in cooperation with other countries.