ICT and Internet Engineering

ICT and Internet Engineering

Master’s Degree Course of Study in ICT and Internet Engineering

Course of Study presentation video

Course of Study profile

Course Type:
Master Degree

ICT and Internet Engineering Master’s Degree – LM27 (Telecommunication Engineering)


Free access and curricular pre-requisites to be assessed on DELPHI web site from March to May

Department: Electronics Engineering

What you’ll learn

  • Computer networks: design, implementation and maintenance of Local Area Networks (LAN), Wide Area Networks (WAN) and wireless. Network protocols, network security, routing and switching.

  • Software development: basic programming languages for Web services and for the management of ICT infrastructures. Software design and coding, testing and debugging, software project management and software quality assurance.

  • Telecommunications: communication systems for voice, video and data transmission. Telecommunication networks, mobile, satellite, optical communications, signal processing.

  • Internet of Things (IoT): IoT technologies, such as sensor networks, data analytics, and application development.

  • Information and communications Security: encryption techniques, network security protocols, vulnerability assessment and defence against hacking techniques.

Choose your path

After taking the mandatory subjects, you can choose your path and tailor your Master’s Degree Course to your passions.


Networks and systems attack and defence

Internet of Things and Cloud

Sensor networks, data analytics and application development.

Space Integrated Systems

Earth Observation services, Satellite Communications and navigation with terrestrial infrastructure.

Sensing Systems

Collecting, monitoring, analyzing, and responding to various physical sources and phenomena.

Connectivity Infrastructures

Encryption techniques, network security protocols, vulnerability assessment and defence against hacking techniques.

Lista degli esami

Learning path

  • The Master’s Degree (“Corso di Laurea Magistrale” in Italian) in “ICT and Internet Engineering” includes courses and other formative activities for a total of 120 credits (“CFU”). The programme includes 4 mandatory courses respectively in the areas of telecommunications, mobile networks, remote sensing and software engineering. Other courses are mainly chosen by the student but still subject to approval by the course advisory board. Final thesis provides 18 credits

  • During the first year the students will explore the fundamental concepts of telecommunications, mobile networks, remote sensing and software engineering.

    In the second year, they will explore many other concepts from different areas of interest, depending on the study plan decided by each student and their selection of optional courses.

  • Some of the possible study plans to choose from are Cybersecurity, Internet of Things and Cloud, Space Integrated Systems, Sensing Systems and Connectivity Infrastructures.

    Many of the courses will include some laboratories with practical experiences where students can learn to put what they have studied into practice and in addition, they will have to opportunity to participate in several seminars to enrich their knowledge even more.

All the different aspects of ICT will be covered in order to offer a rapid adaptation to the new professional and formative needs.

Balancing theory and practice

Many subjects have a practical part in laboratories.

From passion to profession

Train yourself in one of the most sought-after professions of the future!

Job and career outlook

There are many different sectors in the computing and ICT industry that our graduates can look into for a job since ICT and Internet Engineering fulfils the need for a new wave of further job opportunities in the technology and service industry, both in the public and the private sector.
They could decide to work with companies that design, produce and install equipment, systems and infrastructures relating to the acquisition and transmission of information and their use in telematic applications; telecommunications companies providing remote sensing and radiolocation services; public telecommunications regulatory companies; air, land and naval traffic control companies.

Get the the technical and transferable skills you need to progress and succeed!

Some of the possible career paths are:

  • Web-based Systems Analyst
  • Application Designer
  • ICT Technologies Expert
  • Software Developer
  • E-Health Specialist
  • IT Consultant
  • System Analyst
  • Network Engineer
  • Cybersecurity Specialist
  • Internet of Things Specialist
  • Big Data Scientist
  • Your own start-up


Why study ICT and Internet Engineering?

Just as the spread of Computer has led to the creation of new jobs, so the spread of the Internet has led to the need for new experienced professionals capable of coping with all the problems concerning the Internet-related systems, through a systematic approach that allows to develop multidisciplinary solutions, methods and technologies. ICT and Internet Engineering fulfils the need for a new wave of further job opportunities in both technology and service industry, owing to the trend towards big data , smart infrastructures, software-rich networks, Internet of Things, smartphone applications etc. The course offers opportunities in many sectors currently revolutionized by ICT in Italy and abroad: Web-based Systems, Services, Application Design, ICT Technologies, Integration for Web Enterprises, Energy, Health, Environment Protection, Tourism, Automotive, Constructions, Defense, Public Administration, Cybersecurity and last but not least your start-up.


Why choose Tor Vergata University?

The Campus of Tor Vergata University is about 40 minutes tube ride from the historical city centre of the “Eternal City” Rome and 20 minutes far from the peaceful Castelli Romani area, notorious for its vineyards and hillside landscape.
Tor Vergata’s School of Engineering, is located in a vast 600-hectare campus. The School is provided with its own library, teaching and research facilities, reading rooms, laboratories, canteens and green areas where students can experience a real campus life.
The School of Engineering is composed of18 Departments, 6 libraries, 350 classrooms and 29 laboratories.
Find out how to reach us.

Take a look at the Bachelor’s Degree Course in Ingegneria di Internet (taught in Italian)

The Bachelor’s Degree Course in Ingegneria di Internet is completely taught in Italian.