Categories: News, Uncategorized

by lorenzo.bracciale


Categories: News, Uncategorized

by lorenzo.bracciale


Giovedì 28 maggio, alle ore 12:00 presso l’aula R3 dell’Edificio di
Ingegneria dell’Informazione, si svolgerà un interessante seminario The Public Option: A Nonregulatory Alternative to Network Neutrality, tenuto dal Prof. Richard T. B. Ma.
Siete tutti invitati a partecipare.

Qui di seguito un abstract sul tema trattato:
Network neutrality and the role of regulation on the
Internet have been heavily debated in recent times. Among the
various definitions of network neutrality, we focus on the one that
prohibits paid prioritization of content. We develop a model of the
Internet ecosystem in terms of three primary players: consumers,
ISPs, and content providers. We analyze this issue from the point
of view of the consumer and target the desired system state that
maximizes consumer utility. By analyzing various structures of an
ISP market, we obtain different conclusions on the desirability of
regulation.We also introduce the notion of a Public Option ISP, an
ISP that carries traffic in a network-neutralmanner.We find: 1) in
a monopolistic scenario, network-neutral regulations might benefit
consumers, however the introduction of a Public Option ISP is
even better as it aligns the interests of the monopolistic ISP with
the consumer utility; and 2) in an oligopolistic scenario, the presence
of a Public Option ISP is again preferable to network-neutral
regulations, although the presence of competing nonneutral ISPs
provides the most desirable situation for the consumers.


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